
Confession: I have no idea what I’m doing here. I did minimal research beforehand. So it’s not going to be perfect. That’s okay. I’m not trying to make a world-famous blog or anything (hah!), this is just for practice ~ an experiment, you could say. I’ll post for awhile on here, and see what I learn about blogging, et cetera.

I am a teenage girl; saved by the grace of God. Because He forgave my sin, I am His daughter and can live with Him in Heaven one day. Without Him, I am nothing.

I am the oldest child in a family of 6 siblings. I think it is nice being the oldest, but that might just be because I have the best siblings in the world. I love my whole family so much ❤ ❤

(oh, and Elli Bergmann is not technically my irl name… perhaps I should say that here…)

I enjoy writing. Mostly fiction (contemporary YA, historical, sci-fi, and a bits and pieces of fantasy). I’ve been writing for a couple years; maybe since I was 10-ish??? Here is the link to all my writing projects for anyone who is interested. I am a former Ydubber (my congratulations to you if you’re reading this and have any idea what that is).

I also like to make music! I play the piano and also some violin. I’m teaching myself guitar, but that is not an official thing. Been playing piano since I was like 7 or 8, I think. Sometimes I try to write my own songs.

I explore random topics, anything from chess and martial arts to MBTI stuff (INFP-T, anyone?) and astrophysics.

My family has this rabbit named Alice; she is my friend and I love her ❤ She can be grouchy, but she’s generally very sweet. Of course she would never dream of chewing my books…

And another photo of Alice because she is the Easter Bunny, too (:

akfjlhadfkjadhlfkajsfhaldkfj i love this picture so muchhhh ~ like, LOOK at her adorable innocent expression on her little furry face!!! and her cute little feet on the edge of the basket aaahhhhhh……

Here are links to my other profiles ~



ermm… I shall perhaps update this page later. If you got this far, I am proud of you! *offers warm brownies and milk* Thank you for reading, and have a beautiful day.

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